A Guide To Conventions For Beginners
Tips for a fun, safe, and drama-free experience!
Preparing For The Convention:
- Make sure your cosplays and outfits are ready to go!
- Make sure you have reliable transportation to and from!
- Make sure your room is booked ahead of time, and double check the reservation a day or two before you plan to arrive.
- Make sure anyone sharing a ride and/or room with you are aware ahead of time of any costs and are able to pay.
- Make a clear plan for accepting or giving payments either at check in or check out.
- Make sure your group knows well ahead of time the cost of things.
- Try to make sure you have a backup plan in case people sharing bail on the last minute.
- Make sure you're clean and fresh, as well as your clothing and whatever else you pack.
- If you have pets, make sure you have someone scheduled to care for them while you're away.
- Try to pack the night before you leave, that way if you have to grab extra things in the morning it may not cause you to run late.
- If you have anything you plan on finishing or working on at the convention, make sure all those items come with you as well.
Items To Have (General):
Energy Boost: Good for waking up early after a long night. |
Stomach Relief: In case food disagrees, you make want something on hand just in case of tummy troubles. |
In case you get the runs, something like this will help you to get feeling better so you don't have to miss anything! |
Colds are pretty common at conventions. There's a likely chance you'll get sniffly early on. Having this will help keep it mild and not ruin your good time! |
Multi Vitamin - one of these a day will help keep your body in order and will decrease the chances of you getting sick! |
Make sure you have any important electronics, chargers, and accesories! |
Wig Caps - if you're a cosplayer, you're probably gonna need them! |
FabriTack - always good in case something goes wrong with your costume. |
First Aid Kit - you never know what will happen, so it's always good to have some supplies for first aid. Paper cuts, blistered toes, minor scrapes from problems in the hall. It ever hurts to be prepared! |
Hair Care - shampoo, conditioner, anything you use to keep your hair clean, happy, and healthy. You never know what's in the air or under your wig, so make sure you have what you need for a good scrub! |
Paper towels or napkins - in case of spills or other messes. It helps keep the hotel happy if you don't use their towels for everything. |
Paper/Plastic plates - for snacks and goodies in the room, or in case you order pizza/take out! |
Plastic Silverware - in case you have food that requires silverware! |
Depending on what you eat or your activity level, you could get constipated. And constipation could give you an upset tummy bad enough to ruin your day. It's good to have in case you feel a bit clogged. It's important to be regular and happy so you can enjoy the con fully! IMPORTANT NOTE: Don't try to hold your poop all weekend. Everyone's gotta do it, and it makes your body happy if you go when you need to. One of the ways people get bad con sicknesses is from avoiding potty breaks! :( |
Throat drops - from all the running around and excitement, your throat could get a bit scratchy. Having a couple of these on hand will help you feel better right away! |
Shoe Inserts - Especially important for cosplayers :) If you have shoes that don't have enough support, or aren't comfortable at the heel or the toe. Putting a pair in your shoes will help keep you comfy on your feet all day. |
Plastic cups - so you can have drinks! Speaks for itself. |
Safety pins - in case of a costume malfunction or clothing problems, these can be your best friends all weekend. |
Sewing kit - again, in case of clothing or costume malfunction. You never know if something will need fixing. |
Toiletries - toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, hairbrush, razors, lotion, etc. All very important for keeping clean and healthy all weekend! |
Tape - also for fixing things! And works rather well. |
Aspirin - should be pretty self-explanatory, but in case of a headache or any other aches and pains. Don't let some pain get you down! | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- If you take any medication, make sure you have that with you as well.
- Make sure you have any other important personal items not already listed.
- If you have cosplays that require special gear, make sure you got that too!
Items To Have (Ladies):
Spare undies - you never know what may happen, so it's always good to have extra! |
Makeup - whether used for cosplay or just for looking pretty all weekend, make sure you take your makeup with you! |
Facial and body cleansers - whatever you need to feel clean and fresh! A clean con-lady is a happy con-lady! |
Menstrual Relief - If there's one thing girls know, it's the dreaded surprise period. I personally always keep some on me just in case. Better be safe than miserable! |
Deodorant Spray - keeps you smelling fresh and nice all day! |
Any extra leggings or hosiery - some costumes and outfits require special things worn with them. Make sure you have a spare or two! |
Pads/Tampons/Napkins/Cups/etc. - like I've said, you can never be too prepared. Don't let a surprise visit from Aunt Flo ruin your good time! |
Items To Have (Men):
Manly toiletries - shaving cream, razors, anything else manly men use to prepare for the day. Make sure you remember to brush and floss! |
Deodorant Spray - keeps you smelling clean and fresh all day! |
Extra socks - men like their socks. Make sure you have spares. |
Spare undies - this is important to guys especially - make sure you have clean underpants on all weekend. Nobody wants to see you itching your butt or genitals because of sweat and dirty underwear-related itch. |
Deodorant - Helps freshen you up and help with any potential sweating. A clean con-goer is a happy one! | |
Condom - you never know, you might get lucky! But be safe about it. We don't need anything icky spread all over the con, or unwanted babies. Have fun but be safe! |
To Have In The Room (Other Gear):
Pajamas - it's always nice to change after a long day into something comfy to sleep in, don't you think? |
Extra Blankets - In case the hotel doesn't provide enough and the room's too cold, or if you have to fit extra people, make sure you've got some blankets. That way your group is all comfortable and happy! |
"Civilian" clothes - in case you want to leave the con for food and don't want to go in con attire. Or when you check out and have to travel home. Whatever the reason, it's always good to have a spare "regular" outfit on hand. |
Extra Pillows - hotels never provide enough so make sure to bring your own! |
Towels - based on personal experiences, relying on hotel towels almost always leads to a confusing mess. By bringing your own towel from home there are no arguments as to which towel belongs to which person. It also saves the maids from having to keep changing out towels all weekend. |
To Have In The Room (Food):
Canned Fruit - doesn't always require a fridge! It's sweet, it's easy, and relatively healthy. A good way to give you a sugar boost or a quick breakfast. |
Instant Noodles - either by microwave or coffee pot with hot water, they're relatively fast and easy to make. Don't always taste the best, but they fill you up if you're in a bind. Not to mention, they're pretty cheap in bulk. |
Nutritional Snack/Energy Bars - (I'm partial to Luna) Many of these taste good and are a quick fix when you're feeling hungry but don't have time for a meal. |
Bottled Water - no matter what time of year, with all the wandering around you're going to get thirsty and dehydrated. Bottled water is essential. It'll hydrate you and keep you happy and healthy in ways juice and soda can't. |
And when all else fails, make sure to locate any nearby eating establishments! |
Do you see this beautiful woman here? Do you see what she's doing?
During your stay at the convention PLEASE BATHE REGULARLY.
Especially if you're in a situation the requires you to get dirty or sweat a lot.
BATHE! SHOWER! It's good for you!
It doesn't take that long to hop in the shower, scrub yourself down with some soap, rinse off, and towel yourself dry. You won't miss much, trust me.
Besides, it's kind of hard to make new friends, look good in cosplay, or meet the guests if you're dirty, greasy, and/or smelly! Bathing makes the con fun for everyone!
What To Have On The Con Floor:
CURRENCY - cash, credit, debit.... things at the convention cost money! Make sure you have it with you! |
Con Badge, Guide, Schedule, etc.- You should know by now it's hard to get in anywhere without a badge. And just ghosting is not cool to the con. Having the guide and schedule might be useful so you know where and when things are, as well as the rules of that particular convention. |
Photo Identification - Drivers License, School ID,Passport, whatever it may be there are situations that will require you to provide it. Certain items in dealers rooms may have an age limit on items to buy. And if you plan on drinking, well, if you're old enough you should know the drill by now. |
Breath Freshener - the easiest way to bother people and scare them off is to have bad breath. Take it upon yourself to remedy that situation. You'll be happy you did. |
Phone/Means of Communication - this is vital whether you're with a group, or by yourself. Having this on hand will make finding your friends and family easier and in case of emergency you can call for help. |
Wallet - helps organize your cash and cards and fits nicely in most pockets or bags. |
Small Tissue Pack - Just in case you get a sneeze or a cough. These are good to have on hand. And it helps to fight against the spread of con plague! |
Hand Sanitizer - When you cough, sneeze, touch a door handle, or shake hands with someone sweaty. It's important to keep your hands clean. Also make sure you wash your hands each time you use the restroom and before you eat. Again, to help prevent the spread of infection. |
Camera - if you plan on taking pictures of your friends or the cosplayers, make sure you have your camera on hand! | | |
What To Expect After Hours:
Medical Staff - sometimes people do dumb things, or a serious accident occurs. It's not uncommon for an ambulance to show up at some point. |
Police - sometimes people misbehave, or someone steals, or someone's drinking and they're not supposed to be. Usually a cop or two will be around the con at night. |
Smoking - [PLEASE NOT THAT I IN NO WAY CONDONE THE USE OF ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES ON THE CONVENTION FLOOR OR IN THE HOTELS] - There will probably be people around smoking something, somewhere. If you have asthma, be careful. Whether or not you wish to partake or make friends this way is up to you. |
Ecstasy - (or X, or MDMA) - sometimes during the dance/rave/room party boom fellow congoers may start taking this substance. Again, I do not condone this behavior, but it is up to you whether or not you want to partake in this activity. |
Mushrooms - There may be people taking 'shrooms at night around the con. It is up to the individual whether or not they partake in this activity. |
LSD/Acid - while very much illegal, some wild ravers will probably be dropping acid. Be cautious. |
Guys getting funky - you may see some wild guys running around. At this point you may want to escort the very young to your rooms for bed. After a certain time of night, the chances of seeing a man's genitalia is very high. |
Girls stripping down - whether under the influence or not, many girls will see how little they can get away with wearing. Again, once this starts popping up it might not be a good time for the kids to be out and about. But if you're a guy looking to score, now may be your chance! |
Alcohol Consumption - with all the partying going on there will be plenty of people getting their drink on. Drink responsibly. Don't drive. Don't get the 10 year olds hammered. Try not to embarrass the con by puking all over the hotel. Party hard, but party safe! |
Please keep in mind that conventions are usually marketed as a family environment and the programs are usually encouraged to keep it PG-13. Conventions themselves do not oversee or condone at least half of what occurs at night. To those of you who wish to walk on the wild side, be safe about it and not stupid.
When Departing The Con:
This is disgusting and completely not necessary. It's not fair to you, the hotel, or the people who have to clean it up. Be respectful! |
It's not that hard to pack up your belongings and clean up your trash. |
They have to deal with your crap (sometimes literally) all weekend. It's the least you can do. Plus it shows the hotel you respect them and reflects well on the convention. |
All in all, have fun! Be safe! And enjoy yourselves!
(c)Caitlin Katz - June 9, 2011
This is a great list....