Monday, December 27, 2010

Condoms, Red Sour Patch Kids, and How To Survive At 2PM

This post is about none of those things. Well, maybe how to survive at 2PM. It's almost 2 here and I'm still alive, see?

I suppose I could very well make it about condoms. Just saying the word "condoms" sets the tone, doesn't it? There's a lot I could actually say about this subject. But I also feel that might be too much for a first post. I'll hold off on that until another day.

As for red Sour Patch kids... I really like them! I like most Sour Patch Kids, actually. Except the yellow ones. Actually, I've yet to meet a person who likes yellow-flavored anything. If you're out there - congratulations, you might be a bit weirder than I.

How does one properly introduce themselves? My reason for starting a real blog (and note, by real blog, I mean not a LiveJournal. I use one of those and it's been growing increasingly lackluster. I want to become a serious blogger, damn it!) - anyway, my reason for starting this blog is that I have noticed I say some pretty weird things on the internet. In places such as Facebook, Twitter, and IM conversations with people I know. Why not compile the weirdness someplace public? Hello, blog, how are you today?

In the name of humor, in the name of promiscuous nerdy girls everywhere, and in the name of my love of carbohydrates - this blog is now officially open for business!

You're going to have to guess about me and my personality for a little while. I don't give away all my secrets at once.

Or maybe that's just what I want you to think.

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